Reading Therapy

Is your child finding it difficult to read fluently?Untitled-19 copy

Do you often  find spelling errors in your child’s notebook?

Does your ward avoid reading at all cost?

Are you worried about your child’s literacy ability which is  poor when compared to his/ her age group?


Don’t look too far!

Reading sometimes proves difficult for preschool and school age children and it is ideal to help your child early enough. Without the basic ability to read, children will find learning other subjects difficult as educational instruction is based on the ability to decode and comprehend written information. Some children find reading difficult because they have undiagnosed developmental  dyslexia while others may have had limited experience with books.


puzzleYou may wonder why your child performs poorly in science, social studies, and other subjects.

Your child’s general poor academic standing may puzzle you.

There is a strong link between reading ability and academic success.

How efficiently your child is able to read begins in preschool years. Pretorius (2000) asserts that children who are exposed to story books before beginning school have a larger vocabulary and are better at reading. Researchers in the field of applied linguistics and reading research have found a strong relationship between reading proficiency and academic success at all ages, from the primary school till university level. Consequently, students who read a lot and also understand what they read usually attain good vocab and academic success


Obtaining knowledge from the printed word (i.e., comprehension) is the fundamental purpose of reading. To do so, the reader must adequately translate the text (letters and symbols) into the language they represent (i.e., decode) (Grossen & Carnine, 1991).


At Mobile Health Consult, we offer you a cost and 100% effective solution. Our reading therapy focuses on achieving 4 main goals:

  • Building and fortifying cognitive skills involved in reading (decoding, phonological awareness, auditory processing, sound blending and segmenting)

  • Increasing reading fluency

  • Developing and enhancing reading comprehension

  • Developing reading self-efficacy and confidence

The following are some of the features of the program:

  • Personal/ Group therapy
  • Buddy reading
  • Average of 3-6 months therapy duration, 3 times a week for 45minutes
  • Engaging process involving parents or teachers in therapy procedure.
  • Scientific methods: Neuroscience based therapy practices for learning
  • Educational Kinetic exercises to enhance reading ability
  • Therapy caters for dyslexics, poor, average and fairly good readers.

Early intervention and tutoring is essential to lay a solid foundation for excellent reading ability and outstanding academic performance and success of your child.

Readers are Leaders!!!